Welcome to my new blog .. Being more productive .. Maintaining lists ..

Welcome dear friends.. Welcome to my new blog, Being More Productive ..

In Total Quality Management, keeping a list of activities and tick marking each of the completed activity as and when it is done is a high potential quality improvement activity that has been accepted by management experts around the world. 

Keeping a list of all activities to be completed for the day has always been a big hit with me as I tend to accomplish more things daily when I have the list of activities ready at hand and try to accomplish them step by step.

When all the actions used to hit our heads, I first started maintaining list of daily activities to be done that day;. I was exposed to this idea for the first time by my b-i-law Jiji Thomson IAS when I used to visit his residence in Alleppey.  I asked him how he could do so many things in a day, he replied that he maintained list of activities.

Later on I finished Engineering at Trivandrum, went  to MRF Arakkonam, MRF Goa for jobs, and Goa Engg College, got immersed in jobs, that I forgot about it. 

I noticed the power of keeping lists of activities and checking each of them out as a very effective habit when I used to do it regularly at Goa Engineering College. Before we used to go out for the long vacation, may be for a week or a month, there were lot of official and domestic tasks that needed to be completed before we could go ahead. 

Whenever I have specific time limits to accomplish tasks, like Friday evening or start of vacation period atCollege, I started maintaining the to-do-lists. 

Click here for an interesting HBR article of August '20 "Conquer your to-do-list with this simple hack" on how to prioritise between activities in your to-do-list. It talks of dividing the activities as being important and urgent into four quadrants and attacking them systematically. 

If we develop a spread sheet , divide into 4 quadrants along the two axes  keep updating once every two days,  maintaining this will be an east act. 

Good luck. Hope you be more productive from now on. 

